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2017 CMA Awards Hand Held Candles
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We are excited to see our Safe Flame hand held candles at the 2017 CMA Awards. Look for them this Wednesday November 8th.
The New York Mets Remember The Events of Sept. 11, 2001 With a Pregame Ceremony
When the New York Mets decided to mark the 10th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, with a ceremony before the scheduled evening game, they understood they were acknowledging a very sad day in American history. The obvious question - how could they ever hope to properly memorialize this darkest of days, the epitome of evil? [...]

When Churches Go Flameless Good Things Just Happen
We Doubt anyone would know how many Churches have been damaged by fire. But it's a pretty safe bet that a very large number have been started by fire burning candles. Year in and year out, throughout the millennia, Churches and candles have traveled together. And at Christmas especially the beauty and fellowship of candles [...]